As an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation, the Kodiak Community Foundation’s (KCF) goal is to support projects of importance to our community and that will help us all become better stewards of the land. We are continually listening and learning about what is important to you.
We use proceeds from our growing permanent endowment to award yearly grants to support charitable organizations and programs on the Kodiak Archipelago. Grants support a broad range of community needs, including health and wellness, education, the great outdoors, arts and culture, and community development. We seek projects that have the potential to impact a broad range of residents and show collaboration with other organizations.
To date, the Kodiak Community Foundation has granted more than $166,000 to projects and organizations across the Kodiak Archipelago.
Please feel free to contact any member of the Advisory Board if you have a project you hope we’ll support.
If you are a current grantee and need to complete a grant report or other follow-up, please log into the online grant system.
2024 Competitive Grant Cycle Now Open!
Deadline for Applications: 5:00 PM (AKST) September 16, 2024
The Kodiak Community Foundation (KCF), an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF), seeks applications from charitable organizations and programs in the Kodiak Archipelago Area. Grants may support a broad range of community needs, including, but not limited to health and wellness, education, the great outdoors, arts and culture, and community development. Average awards range from $1,000 to $3,000 and can be higher or lower depending on the request.
Your organization is eligible for funding through this grant opportunity if it is one of the following:
- 501(c)3 public charitable organization with 509(a)(1),509(a)(2),or509(a)(3) public charitable status as designated in your IRS Determination letter
- Faith-based organization providing social services
- Federally recognized Tribe or Tribal nonprofit organization
- City government or Borough entities
The following are not eligible for grant funding:
- Individuals
- State or federal government agencies
- For-profit organizations or businesses
- Private nonprofit organizations (those not identified in their IRS determination letter as 509(a)(1), 509(a)(2), or 509(a)(3)
- Non-Alaska based organizations
- Requests for support that do not fall within the funding guidelines
- Activities that improperly discriminate as to race, gender, marital status, sexual preference, age, disability, creed or ethnicity, or grants for religious indoctrination or other religious activities Fiscal Sponsorship Ineligible organizations may be able to receive funding for projects if they have support from a qualified organization that is willing to provide fiscal sponsorship. Fiscal sponsors must agree to take legal and fiscal responsibility for accepting grant funds from KCF on behalf of the ineligible organization. A letter from the fiscal sponsor must be submitted with the application for the project to be considered. Please utilize the fiscal sponsor letter template at the end of this document and include with your application.
- Review the guidelines to ensure that your organization is eligible for funding.
- Contact the grant staff (contact information below) if you have questions as to whether your organization or project is eligible for funding.
- Log in to your account in ACF’s online grant management account here. If you are new to ACF’s grant management system, you will need to create a new profile before applying.
- Applicants will be asked to provide:
- Requested Grant Amount
- Project Description (population served and impact)
- Project budget and budget narrative
- Organizational background (mission, services provided, population served)
- Organizational budget
We look forward to hearing from all interested organizations that would like to apply for the Kodiak Community Foundation’s grant opportunity.
Grant projects must be completed within one year of award and are subject to the grantee completing an online grant agreement signifying acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant. A final grant report must also be submitted online by the assigned due date. Due dates and the forms to submit for these follow-ups can be found by logging into the online grant system.
Any overdue grant reports or other follow-ups for previous grant awards from ACF and its Affiliates must also be submitted using the online grant system prior to the deadline for the current application to be considered.
Please direct general questions to KCF at Please direct eligibility and technical questions about the online grant system to ACF’s Affiliate Program staff, at or 907-334-6700.
2023 Grant Awards
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository | Alutiiq Museum Renovation | $2,000 |
American Red Cross of Alaska | “Sound the Alarm” Fire Safety Education | $1,000 |
Brother Francis Shelter Kodiak | Providing Nutritious Meals to Kodiak’s Homeless Population | $2,200 |
Girl Scouts of Alaska | Explore Girl Scouts Camp | $1,000 |
Kodiak Area Mentor Program | Community Peer Support | $2,000 |
Kodiak Arts Council | Kodiak Shakesbears Theatre Exposure | $3,000 |
Kodiak History Museum | Pop-Up Museum Project | $1,684 |
Native Village of Port Lions | Member Outreach Initiative | $700 |
Old Harbor Alliance | Nuniaq Food Sustainability | $2,000 |
RuRAL CAP | Rural Alaska Community Action Program | $1,000 |
The Salvation Army | Kodiak Corps Human Services | $1,000 |
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Island Trails Network | Connecting Community Path | $10,000 |
Brother Francis Shelter | Feeding the Homeless and Hunger of Kodiak | $4,000 |
Alutiiq Heritage Foundation | Laaf’kaaq-Alutiiq Museum Store Project | $1,750 |
Kodiak KINDNESS Project | Kodiak KINDNESS Staff Development | $3,250 |
Kodiak Maritime Museum | The Cannery Project | $1,500 |
RurAL CAP | Reading and Connecting through Parents as Teachers | $1,250 |
Native Village of Port Lions | Alutiiq Community Revitalization | $2,500 |
The Salvation Army | Kodiak Island Nutritional Assistance Initiative | $2,000 |
Kodiak Arts Council | Chiniak Art Works | $1,750 |
Kodiak History Museum | Lectures at the Kodiak History Museum | $2,700 |
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Alutiiq Heritage Foundation | The Messenger Installation | $1,900 |
Girl Scouts of Alaska | Girl Scouts of Alaska Kodiak Day Camp | $1,500 |
Hospice and Palliative Care of Kodiak | Volunteer Training | $2,500 |
Kodiak KINDNESS Project | Kodiak KINDNESS Project | $2,100 |
Kodiak Maritime Museum | When Crab was King Online Exhibit Upgrade | $2,000 |
Community Inclusion Services | Greenhouse Solar Panel System | $2,500 |
Kodiak Area Mentor Program | Community Peer Support | $3,000 |
The Salvation Army | Kodiak Island Nutritional Assistance Initiative 2022 | $2,000 |
Kodiak Booster Club | Kodiak High School Wrestling Team State Travel | $1,000 |
2020 Grant Awards
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Hospice and Palliative Care of Kodiak | Annual Volunteer Training | $3,000 |
Island Trails Network | Connecting Community Path | $5,000 |
Kodiak Island Borough | Sargent Creek Park Upgrades | $1,000 |
Kodiak Island Borough School District | Kodiak Imagination Library | $2,500 |
2020 Pandemic Response Discretionary Grant Awards
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Brother Francis Shelter | Homeless Prevention Program, providing emergency funding for individuals and families in need | $8,000 |
Kodiak Community Support | Provide resources and services to community members as needed | $2,000 |
2019 Grant Awards
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Alutiiq Heritage Foundation | Alutiiq Language Display | $2,649 |
Brother Francis Shelter Kodiak, Inc. | Feeding and Sheltering and Homeless Prevention | $1,900 |
Island Trails Network | Mobile Tool Trailer | $2,000 |
Kodiak Area Mentor Program | KAMP Crisis Intervention Services | $3,000 |
2018 Grant Awards
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Alutiiq Heritage Foundation | Ancestor’s Memorial Park | $2,000 |
Kodiak Maritime Museum | Thelma C Interpretive Project | $2,000 |
Hospice and Palliative Care of Kodiak | Annual Volunteer Training | $1,000 |
Kodiak Public Broadcasting Association | News Team Equipment Upgrade | $3,000 |
Kodiak Area Mentor Program | KAMP Kids, Primary Prevention Program | $1,000 |
Kodiak Arts Council | Community Dance Project | $1,750 |
Old Harbor Alliance, Inc. | 365 Days of Play | $1,000 |
Rural Alaska Community Action Program | Kodiak Head Start Study Kits | $1,000 |
Senior Citizens of Kodiak | Island Cove ADA Door Opener | $1,250 |
Peterson Elementary PTA | Playground Equipment | $1,000 |
Booster Club | High School Sports Travel | $3,000 |
2017 Grant Awards
Grantee | Project Name | Amount |
Brother Francis Shelter Kodiak | Homeless Prevention/Rapid Rehousing Program | $3,000 |
Hope Community Resources | Little Bears Summer and After School Program | $1,500 |
Hospice and Palliative Care of Kodiak | Annual Volunteer Training | $2,500 |
Humane Society of Kodiak | HSK Borough Spay/Neuter Program | $2,500 |
Kodiak Area Mentor Program | Kodiak Area Mentor Program | $2,500 |
Kodiak Arts Council | Community Theatre Production of “It Happens Every Summer” | $3,000 |
Kodiak Historical Society | Establishing Museum Security | $3,000 |
Rural Alaska Community Action Program | Kodiak Head Start Creative Curriculum for Preschool | $1,500 |
Senior Citizens of Kodiak | Invacare Reliant Stand Up Lift for Island Cove Adult Day Program Participants | $3,000 |
St. Mary’s Catholic School | Community Talent Shows and Expanded Kodiak Stage Opportunities | $4,500 |
Threshold Services | Replacement of the Platen (Press) | $3,000 |